Mi Peru
Hatun Karpay
Initiation in Peru

An account of an initiation into
ancient Andean spiritual traditions
during which we learn to tap into
and work with the natural energies
of the earth and the universe.

Hatun Karpay Initiation in Peru



Here are some definitions of the special Quechua terms we learned -


• Altomisayoq = high priest of the third level.

• Apu = the energy spirits of nature that live in the mountains, generally masculine in aspect.

• Ayar Auca = the present age of iron and war.

• Ayllu = family, group, community.

• Ayni = the sacred art of reciprocity (exchanging of energies).

• Ayni Karpay = a specific ceremony or ritual in which two initiates/priests exchange all of their power and knowledge with each other, directly though their energy 'bubbles' (auras).

• Despacho = a ritual pack assembled as an offering to the apus or other spirits.

• Hatun Karpay = a special rite of passage that was given to Juan Nuρez del Prado by his Q'ero master, don Benito Qoriwaman of the Huaskar lineage, in a karpay. During this rite, which is a series of rituals performed over a period of ten days at specific Andean sacred sites, people are initiated into the fourth level of the Andean priesthood mysticism.

• Hoocha = heavy energy created by humans.

• Huaca = sacred.


• Human powers:

1. Illanqay = power of the body.

Munay = power of the heart.

Yachay = power of the mind.


• Illia Pata = Platform of Light; sacred rock altar near the ruins of Q'enko; used by many Andean priest/shamans.

• Inka = (ancient meaning) one who shines or glows and who also is able to gather power and living energies and distribute them to wherever and whomever needs them; title of the male ruler of the Inkan people.

• Karpay = a special transmission of energy and knowledge from a master shaman/priest or paq'o to a student. This transmission consists of everything the master knows and has received through his own lineage of teachers and masters. A paq'o can choose to transmit his or her initiation rite at any time anywhere by any means to a person of his or her choice. The receiver does not have to be of the bloodline of the master's lineage. The receiver can be anyone of any ethnic group or nationality.

• Kausay Pacha = the energy universe.

• Kausay Poq'po = aura (literally 'energy bubble.')

• Khuya = the love energy that a master teacher infuses into an object to give to his student. We each received two khuyas from Juan. The first is a small white tile with 4 different impressions. The 2nd we activated as a group toward the end of our journey. This is a slightly larger brownish tile with don Benito Qoriwaman's (Juan's main teacher) symbols on it. These are to form the nucleus of our own mesas.

• K'intu
= cluster of 3 perfect coca leaves. The ritualist or energy worker blows on the cluster 3 times, offering his energies to the apus, ρust'as, sun, etc. Then these clusters of leaves become part of a despacho. Or the cluster can be used to draw in the energies of the apus, etc.

• Kuiche = rainbow; one of the spirits venerated by the Inkas.

• Kurak Akulleq = high priest of the fourth level.

• Mallku = male priest/shamans of the 5th level; those who can heal anyone anytime and every time with only one touch.

• Manta = a rectangular piece of cloth worn by the indigenous women as a shawl and used as a carry-all. Tied at the shoulders, the colors, patterns and figures of these mantas indicate the village or region where the women live. Also means a rug.

• Mesa = an Andean priest's ritual power pack, filled with khuyas from his/her teachers and others close to him/her, and other objects considered special and sacred. Also, a special altar upon which a priest/shaman or curandero(a) places his/her sacred items and power objects to be used during healing and other sacred rituals.

• ρust'a = the energy spirits living in water, etc, generally feminine in nature; word means 'princess.'

• Ollantaytambo = Andean fortress and Temple of the Wind.

• Pachakamaq = a title for the mystical God-Creator of all that is; literally one who puts order in the universe.

• Pachakuti = literally, an overturning of time and space. The end of an era and the beginning of a new era.

• Pachamama = literally 'our mother in time and space.' Both Mother Earth (spirit) and cosmic divine feminine principle; Cosmic Mother. "Our mother in time and space" refers to the planet earth aspect: our mother while we have a physical existence.

• Paq'o = initiate on the path; shaman; male alpaca.

• Paytiti = a metaphysical city (similar in concept to the Tibetan Shambhala) that will manifest physically during the coming new Golden Age; much misunderstanding about this concept - many have searched for its fabled golden treasures on the physical plane. Legend says that there are five golden cities in the Andes that will rise once again when the time is right!


• Planes of existence:

1. Hanaq Pacha = superior world; a realm of refined energies, inhabited by beings such as Jesus, some of the Inkas, saints, etc.

Kay Pacha = material world and consciousness; a mixture of refined and heavy energies; inhabited by incarnated humans, apus and ρust'as.

Ukhu Pacha = interior or lower world; within the earth and each individual; heavy energies (but not to be confused with the term 'hell.'); a place for spirits to begin to learn energy reciprocity (ayni).


• Qawaq = a mystical seer; one who can directly perceive the Kausay Pacha; one who lives in a reality of living energies.

• Q'ero = a group of indigenous Andean people who claim to be direct decendents of the once numerous Inkan tribes; Juan's father, Oscar Nuρez del Prado, (re)discovered one of their high Andean villages in 1949 and led the first expedition there in 1955. He worked to free them from bondage to landowners and give their lands back to them.

• Qorikancha = central place where the Inkans erected temples to the sun and other energy spirits, such as moon, thunder, etc; considered to be the most sacred place in all of Cuzco.

• Qosqo = spiritual stomach, navel center; find its mouth by poking gently all around your navel until you find a sore spot. It's in a different place for different people; also the Quechua name for Cuzco, which they consider to be the navel of the world.

• Qoya = feminine equivalent of the Inka sixth level priest-ruler (sapa); the Inka's consort.

• Quechua = the language family spoken by many different tribes throughout the Andean region.

• Runa = original meaning: a person. Now a derogatory term used by the dominant Spanish-speaking white society to differentiate themselves from the indigenous peoples. Used by the indigenous peoples to differentiate themselves from those they feel are their oppressors.

• Sagras = negative and destructive energies subject to the laws of the Creator and under the control of the Children of the Sun, the Inkas; have limited power; well-controlled from pre-Inka times to arrival of the Spaniards, because the people lived in harmony with the laws of the universe; with the Spanish invasion, these energies were liberated and joined forces with the Spaniards, thus enabling the latter to destroy the Inkan Empire.

• Saiwa = energy column created by priests by intention and that extends from the middle world to the upper world.

• Sami = refined energy.

• Sapa = male priest of the 6th level; one whose physical body can be seen by others to literally glow with light; feminine equivalent = Qoya.

• Tambomach'ay = Temple of Death where initiates learn to overcome their fear of death.

• Taripay Pacha = literally age of meeting ourselves again; from 1993 to about 2012; a transitional time during which the Andeans feel we must learn to live and work together to prepare for the new Golden Age; a period when humans can graduate from the fear-based 3rd level to the 4th level.

• Wiraqocha = one of the titles of the supreme mystical nameless Creator-God.


Page Thirteen

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Index ~ 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ Rainbow Rock
7 ~ 8 ~ 9 ~ 10 ~ 11 ~ 12 ~ Travel Tips
13 ~ 14 ~ 15 ~ Links 2 ~ 16 ~ 17 ~ 18
19 - Musings


Florence W. Deems
© February, 1999;
revised May, 2002; November, 2002;
May, 2003; March, 2004; February, 2008;
September, 2008; July, 2010; July, 2012
March, 2014
August, 2016, all rights reserved