Florence W. Deems
Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved
Uuffi was lonely. Jozlyn had gone off for the first time in the seven years he'd known her without letting him know where she'd gone or when she would return. He depended on the mage for nurturance, both physical and emotional. You see, when Uuffi was a mere hatchling, a fierce storm had blown him out of his nest--he'd crawled up to the edge to see what was happening, and he became part of that happening.

Jozlyn had come along after the storm's fury had abated and found the poor little soaking wet and terrified baby a-a. She'd picked him up, dried him off and taken him up to her tower room in Draygon's Keep. She'd raised him until his skin had poked out brilliant blue, orange and red pin feathers and his clasping feet were strong enough to grip a perch.

Then she'd started training him, as she'd heard that a-an were very intelligent. Jozlyn determined to take advantage of Uuffi's innate intelligence, so she trained him to talk and to understand simple commands and human concepts, while also allowing him to roam free and keep his wild characteristics. Uuffi was free to fly away and never return, but he always came back. He loved Jozlyn with all his heart and she returned his devotion, although she didn't seem to be dependent upon him for nurturance as he was on her.

Perhaps you'd like to know just what an a-a is? A-an (plural) are Aerial Voyaging Intelligent Species (AVIS), one of the three types of sentient species on a planet called Luciheptal, one of the Nine Known Worlds of the Kris Universe. Another sentient species is the Fur Enhanced Leonine Intelligent Species (FELIS), which humans call tabbin (plural; tabbi=singular). The third sentient species is the Highest Operative Managing Order (HOMO), later known as human of which Jozlyn is a fine example.

The a-an comprise a large family of species, found only on Luciheptal World, and many make excellent pets. They can be taught to talk and interact somewhat with their people owners so that certain limited interactions can occur. The different species vary greatly in appearance and colors, but always are identifiable by their large compact beaks, the upper mandible having a sharp point curving down over the front of the lower. A-an are the only hook-billed family of AVIS on Luciheptal.

Uuffi is gorgeous, crow-sized with a black beak, startling against the bright crimson-rimmed orange feathers of his face and crest, the orange shading to crimson feathers rimmed with orange on his chest and underbelly. When he raises his long crest feathers and spreads wings and tail, that same orange-rimmed crimson shows on the undersides of those feathers. The rest of his feathers down his back and the upper feathers of his wings and tail irridesce all the seven colors of the rainbow on a dark background of rich velvety blue feathers rimmed with orange. Uuffi's eyes bulging from either side of his head usually show as two pools of liquid black. But when he exhibits certain aspects of his personality, his eyes sparkle with gold flashes.

Uuffi's particular species of a-a has a larger brain capacity than the other a-a species. This kind is highly prized, but very difficult to catch unless one can get a hatchling away from its very protective parents.
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Uuffi's Tails
Critters Tracks